We recognize the profound importance of authentic representation in visual media, particularly concerning black individuals in our modern society.
Our journey began from a vital need to provide a platform that showcases images reflecting the true diversity and richness of African experiences.WHY WE EXIST
Traditional stock photo websites often fall short in offering a comprehensive selection of authentic images featuring black individuals.
For creatives, marketers, and corporates seeking genuine African representation, the search for beautiful stock photos can be arduous.
Color Space aims to fill this gap by curating a collection of diverse stock photos specifically featuring black people, making it effortless for you to discover the perfect imagery for your next project.MISSION
Beyond simplifying the search for diverse stock photos, our mission extends to empowering African creators to thrive in the digital landscape.
We believe in providing opportunities for talented photographers, illustrators, and influencers to not only showcase their work but also to earn a sustainable income doing what they love.
By fostering a supportive environment and offering a platform for self-employment, we contribute to the growth and prosperity of African creatives.Our commitment to authenticity and representation drives everything we do.
We strive to showcase images that capture the vibrancy, resilience, and beauty of black individuals, reflecting the multifaceted realities of our contemporary world.
Cyril Zuma
Founder, Creative Director
Lebo Mathonsi
Co-founder, Strategy